Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022 EPC Year in Review. Stories and changes.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

2022 was a year of victories, defeats and changes. The most important victory was the Massachusetts Judicial Supreme Court decision that there is no right to assisted suicide in their state Constitution. Possibly the sadest defeat was Oregon agreeing to remove it's assisted suicide residency requirement, essentially extending assisted suicide nationally in the US. 

In Canada, 2022 will mark the year that Canadians woke up to the fact that, after passing Bill C-7 in March 2021, Canadians with disabilities are being killed by (MAiD) euthanasia because of poverty, homelessness and an inability to obtain necessary medical care. The stories related to euthanasia for disabled Canadians, veterans with PTSD and people who are unable to access proper care resulted in the government delaying the implementation of euthanasia for mental illness.

2022 Year in Review.

In January - We learned about assisted suicide being approved for anorexia nervosa (Link) and Andrew Coyne wrote about Canada's assisted suicide slippery slope (Link).

In July Dr Ramona Coelho wrote an excellent article on why Canada's euthanasia law is the most permissive in the world (Link). 

In August The National Post published an article on how  Canada is getting comfortable with killing people with disabilities (Link) and I wrote an article about a baby who was declared "brain dead" but began to breath on his own (Link).

In November an article was published about Roger Foley who was pressured to request euthanasia (Link) and an article promoting euthanasia featured Ellen Wiebe who has killed more than 400 people by euthanasia (Link).

In 2022, Amy Hasbrouck resigned as EPC President after many years of excellent service while Gordon Friesen became the new EPC President. 

The Euthansia Prevention Coalition continued to be the world leader opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide and we organized the first meeting at the European Parliament opposing euthansia.

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