Thursday, February 29, 2024

Medical Assistance in Dying is a cunning and deceptive title.

The following email was sent to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Dear Sir / Madam,

With reference to the November 23rd article titled: “It’s Time to StopCanada’s Euthanasia Program Dead in Its Tracks.” The title “Medical Assistance In Dying” is indeed a cunning and deceptive title, providing the acronym M.A.I.D.  MAid, when used as a noun, has associations of gentleness and beauty. M.A.I.D. in this context is a indeed a classical example of a euphemism, euphemism being defined as the substitution of a mild and vague expression for a harsh or blunt one. However, let us not overlook the reality that M.A.I.D. also happens to be the acronym for Murder Acting In Disguise. By helpful coincidence this immediately unmasks the true nature of what is actually happening in this heinous practice.

I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Robin Guinness


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