Monday, September 16, 2024

UK "citizens' jury" supported legalizing euthanasia, has ties to the euthanasia lobby.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Previous article: Pro-assisted suicide committee (UK) publishes report (Link).

Alex Schadenberg
Keir Starmer, the UK Prime Minister,  announced that he may fast-track the legalization of euthanasia in the UK. This response came after the release of a pro-euthanasia report from a "citizens' jury" that called for the legization of euthanasia.

On September 12 I published a criticism of the citizens jury report by the Care Not Killing Alliance. One of the criticisms stated (Link to article):

Disappointingly, we note that the Director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics was formerly Director of Compassion in Dying, the charitable arm of Dignity in Dying which campaigns for assisted suicide. Additionally, a leading Council member was previously chair of Compassion in Dying, and the project was funded by a group which has also funded another leading pro-assisted suicide campaign organisation.

It is significant that Danielle Hamm, the director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics is a former director of Compassion in Dying, which is the charitable arm of the Dignity in Dying the leading euthanasia lobby group in the UK.

It is also significant that A B Charitable Trust which, in the past, funded a Humanist Association euthanasia campaign was the same group to cover the cost of the "citizens jury."

It is also significant that the "citizens' jury" supported child euthanasia.

This is a set-up. Instead of marching our the same old faces offering the same old rhetoric, choose a "jury" of "average" citizens and them to agree to the same old rhetoric.

Will the media let the response of 28 people who were picked by a pro-euthanasia campaign team change the course of history in the UK?

A recent UK poll found that UK citizens believe that there are - too many complicating factors to safely implement a euthansasia law (Link).

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