Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sarco inventor promises to bring suicide capsule to Scotland

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Philip Nitschke/Sarco
Elena Salvoni reported on September 25 for The Guardian that Philip Nitschke, the Australian euthanasia advocate behind the suicide capsule, has reportedly been in touch with MSP Liam McArthur, who is seeking to legalise assisted dying in Scotland, to bring his suicide capsule to Scotland. Salvoni reported:
Dr Nitschke wrote to the Liberal Democrat MSP urging him to introduce the device should the legislation pass, The Telegraph reports.

The Scottish Lib Dems said in a statement that Mr McArthur 'is not supportive of Dr Nitschke's proposals', adding that he did not respond to him.
Swiss police recently made arrests related to the first Sarco suicide death.

The Last Resort organization stated that they want Sarco to become an established option for euthanasia. Salvoni reported:
Fiona Stewart, who is married to Nitschke and is a board member and advisor at The Last Resort, said they want Sarco to become an established and accessible option for euthanasia.

Speaking to MailOnline earlier this month, she said: 'Our hope would be to make it available to suitable people on a regular basis.'
If Scotland legalizes assisted suicide, Nitschke will attempt to bring Sarco to Scotland. Nitschke makes his living promoting and selling suicide books, information and devices.

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