Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Contact Delaware Governor John Carney to veto assisted suicide Bill HB 140

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Everyone needs to contact Governor John Carney and urge him to veto assisted suicide 
Bill HB 140

Call Governor Carney at: 302-744-4101 or email him at: john.carney@delaware.gov

A news story by Sarah Mueller for WHYY news stated:
Democratic Rep. Paul Baumbach, the prime sponsor, said the bill has not yet been sent to the governor. A spokesperson for the governor said lawyers were reviewing the legislation. Requests to clarify their answers received no response.
The Medical Futility blog by euthanasia activist, Thaddeus Pope, indicates that Delaware was now the 12th US jurisdiction to legalize assisted suicide since Governor John Carney had not signed or vetoed HB 140 within 10 days after transmittal.

Stephen Mendolsohn, who is a great political researcher, disagreed with Pope stating that the Delaware rules require the Governor to act within 30 days of adjournment or the legislation is "pocket vetoed" when 
a bill reaches the Governor after the session adjournment. The second scenario is in play in Delaware.

Today I called Governor Carney's office and asked for the status of HB 140. The response was that HB 140 has not yet reached the Governor's desk. A recent news article stated that Governor Carney has asked lawyers to examine the bill based on his concerns.

Everyone needs to contact Governor John Carney. Call him at: 302-744-4101 or email him at: john.carney@delaware.gov

Previous articles:


Kimberly Howard said...

I sent an email on June 27 to Governor Carney requesting he veto HB140. I never received a reply back from his office.

Anonymous said...

I did send a letter requesting .

Dcn rejection to Gov Carney by email. And I did get a response from his office. Took a few days. Apparently there is a lot of response as two came from different secretaries.

Dcn William Orazio Gallerizzo

Laura said...

I called the Dover phone number for the governor on June 28 and someone actually answered the phone and took my message. I’ve encouraged my friends and family to do the same. I also emailed. But I feel like if they get swamped with calls, it makes an impression. There are out of state organizations pressuring the governor to pass this horrible bill. Everyone needs to call and write to him about this.

Anonymous said...

The final adjournment of the Delaware Legislature for the 2023-2024 session took place on 30 June 2024. Unless the Governor signs the Bill by 30 July 2024 it dies a natural, peaceful death 🙂 A veto is not required.

Delaware Constituion Article III.S. 18.(c) No bill shall become a law after the final adjournment of the General Assembly, unless approved by the Governor within thirty days after such adjournment.

Alex Schadenberg said...

Dear Anonymous.

Yes, a veto is not required that after 30 days a "pocket" veto occurs.