Thursday, June 20, 2024

Great news: Delaware assisted suicide Bill HB 140 was defeated.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director,
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

I have incredible news. 

The Delaware State Senate defeated HB 140 in a tie vote today 

A key reason that HB 140 was defeated was that Senator Bryan Townsend (District 11) a sponsor of the bill, voted NO at the final vote(Link to the vote).

There are several reasons why some Senators shifted their votes and voted NO.

The key reason was the many people worked to defeat HB 140. Congratulations. You have truly made a difference.

Another reason is that during the Senate debate several key questions came up. One of those questions was - How do the assisted suicide drugs work? This is a significant question since we know that many assisted suicide deaths are not quick or peaceful.

During the debate several Senators became concerned about how people die by assisted suicide. Delaware doesn't support capital punishment, why would they support assisted suicide?

As stated earlier, the key factor was the many people who worked so hard to defeat the assisted suicide bill.

Here are some more articles about the Delaware assisted suicide bill.


Anonymous said...

Delaware! Will wonders never cease. First a jury unexpectedly convicts Hunter Biden, and now this. Thank you Jordan Petersen for highlighting the brutality of this horrible practice.
You just never know what good can happen if you keep working.

Debbie R. said...

Great News!