We want your input.
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is hosting its strategy meeting and AGM on Saturday, June 19, at the Best Western - Toronto Airport Hotel, 5825 Dixie Rd Mississauga.
Work with us to strengthen our strategy to Turn the Tide on the issues of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Canada. We are convinced that we can create a “Made in Canada” solution to these issues.
The strategy meeting will include presentations and open discussion forums. We will examine the direction of the parliamentary committee on Palliative and Compassionate Care and learn about Elder Abuse.
The meeting will begin at 10 am and end at 4 pm. You may want to join us for dinner afterwards.

We will then have a facilitated strategy meeting concerning our future directions and how they can be achieved.
The cost is $50 per person which covers the cost of the food and the meeting room.
If you need to stay overnight, call the Best Western at: 905-670-8180 to book your room for $85.00 per night and say it is for the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition meeting.
For more information or to register for the Strategy Meeting contact the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition at: 1-877-439-3348 or euthanasiaprevention@on.aibn.com
Thanks to Alex Schadenberg, Margaret Dore, Dr. Kenneth Stevens, and many others who are trying to get the truth out there to many others, like myself, that ending your life with assisted suicide will not take the pain away quicker when a life-threatening illness is presented to you.
I thank, Dr. Stevens, who helped encourage me to fight when I found that without radiation, I would not beat inoperable colon cancer. I wanted the easy way out with no suffering. He encouraged me to think about my son, when at that moment, I was only thinking of myself and my pain.
There are so many other stories out there, like my own, to warn doctors not to give in and accept the lie that "death with dignity," is the way to end a persons life to soon. I have ten years to prove they are wrong, and I stand with each of you that this can be abused. Jeanette Hall - Oregon
Death with dignity is Not a lie, you ,Jeanette, and your ilk,are idiots.Euthanasia happens at the end of ones life, After all treatments have been done,and all that is left is dying.Lets see what you think about it when you are fading away, in pain waiting to die,unable to see, hear, or speak, to any of your loved ones who are gathered around.Have you been at someones bedside as they died slowly from Cancer?? No dignity there.You will all change your minds when it happens to you.
ps I have never heard of inoperable bowl ca. ?? I am pro euthanasia so i doubt the blob author will let this pass. can't hear both sides if you call it all propaganda .
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