Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Canadian doctors push for euthanasia by organ donation.

An ethicist asks: Is the dead donor rule even relevant?
Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Logan Washburn reported in the Federalist on January 8, 2025 that Canadian doctors are pushing for euthanasia by organ donation.

Currently euthanasia is linked to organ donation in Canada, whereby, people who are approved for being killed by euthanasia are also encouraged to donate their healthy organs. Some Canadian doctors and "ethicists" are pushing for a change in the law to permit euthanasia by organ donation. Washburn reports:

Canadian doctors have suggested killing euthanasia victims by taking their organs, according to multiple reports, whistle blowers, and public talks. Medical freedom advocates are documenting emerging ties between “medical assistance in dying” (MAID) and organ harvesting.

“The best use of my organs, if I’m going to receive a medically assisted death, might be to not first kill me and then retrieve my organs, but to have my mode of death — as we medically consider death now — to be to retrieve my organs,” said Rob Sibbald, an ethicist of the London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario.

Washburn reports that some Canadian physicians are pushing to permit euthanasia by donation.

Other Canadian doctors have publicly embraced “death by donation,” and a study came out earlier this year exploring euthanasia programs such as MAID as a means of organ harvesting. Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016, and since then the number of Canadians using MAID to kill themselves has significantly increased.
Canadian doctors are also challenging the "Dead Donor rule." Allowing euthanasia by organ donation would require a change to the dead donor rule since the donors would be alive. Washburn reports Sibbald as stating:
“But of the possible solutions to our pragmatic issues, we can continue to allow physicians to decide and let the conflict go to the courts.”

“We’re so invested in this dead donor rule,” Sibbald said. “That rule has become so ingrained in the medical community that we hold it out as a foundational principle. … And I think just as likely there are people who question that value now. And I know there’s perhaps not an appetite to go there, but raising the question — is the dead donor rule even relevant?”

He suggested death may not occur at one particular moment in time, and said the “best use” of organs from patients who are “going to receive a medically assisted death” could be to harvest them while the victim is alive.

“If, to meet your definition of the dead donor rule, you have to consider me dead once you’ve first put me under and you have no intention of bringing me back — well then fine, I can accept that if those are my values,” Sibbald said.
Sibbald suggests that doctors may need to ignore the dead donor rule and allow the courts to decide the outcome. Washburn reports:

“None of my previous comments should be taken as a suggestion that physicians should operate outside the bounds of existing legal or professional ethical standards.”

“Rather, I have suggested that in light of legal developments we should take time to consider whether other legal or professional standards are now also in need of update or reconsideration,” Sibbald said.

The argument is that removing organs before euthanasia will enable the best possible organs for the purpose of donation. Washburn continues:

While some MAID recipients “may want to be sure that organ procurement won’t begin before they are declared dead,” others may want “the option of donating as many organs as possible and in the best condition possible,” according to the article.

“Following the dead donor rule could interfere with the ability of these patients to achieve their goal,” the article reads. “In such cases, it may be ethically preferable to procure the patient’s organs in the same way that organs are procured from brain-dead patients (with the use of general anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort).”
Sibbald states that euthanasia by organ donation will require an amendment to Canada's criminal code. Canada's euthanasia law defines medical assistance in dying as the administration of a ‘substance’ by a qualified provider. By this definition,” the article noted, “organ retrieval is not an accepted cause of death.”

Even though Canada has become the "top" nation for organ donation after euthanasia, nonetheless in December 2022 there were still 3700 Canadians waiting for an organ donation. Washburn reported:
In Ontario, euthanasia deaths boosted organ donations in 2020. In Quebec, 14 percent of organ donors were MAID victims in 2022. One article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal includes a diagram of the MAID to organ harvesting pipeline. This was from 2019, when euthanasia was only allowed for those with foreseeable deaths. Now, doctors can end the lives of patients with unforeseeable deaths.
Angelina Ireland, who is the Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society told Washburn:

“It is the ‘Canadian cull’ — a systematic elimination of the weak, sick, old, and vulnerable via the state euthanasia program called MAID,” Ireland said. “The Government has taken the most sacred right from its citizens, the power to kill them.”

Issues concerning euthanasia by organ donation and abandoning the "Dead Donor rule" are not new but Canada's experiment with euthanasia has made these issues more prominent.

One of the problems with legalizing euthanasia, as in Canada, is that the law permits doctors and nurse practitioners to kill their patients. The question then arises: why kill a person by lethal poison first and then remove the healthy organs when removing healthy organs first, is more efficacious and will naturally result in a dead person.

Further to that, the act of euthanasia makes it impossible to transplant the heart or lungs.

Killing begets more killing.

More articles about this topic:

  • Euthanasia turning suicidal people into 'Kill and Harvest' natural resource (Link). 
  • Let's not get rid of the Dead Donor rule (Link).
  • No to Killing for Organs (Link).
  • Canada leads the world in organ donation after euthanasia (Link).


Darrell Parks said...

So a "doctor" will cut open the chest of a living person and remove the heart?

EthelG said...

This is sick.

Anonymous said...

We had a patient years ago who wanted to come to the OR to donate her organs to some relative and then die ( she had had a stroke).We nurses were absolutely appalled! None of us would assist in that surgery which fortunately was considered unethical by the ICU staff doctor. She was intubated when she made this request but able to write her request. When extubated later that day she lived. Got better and went home. Imagine the number people complicit in that murder! Why do so many people want to murder people? Next money will be changing hands for those organs. Why not make live organ donation free for the donor. Lots more donors lm sure. Well if this passes my donor card and license will never have me as a donor again. MJ Hudson

Anonymous said...

If this live organ harvesting isn’t reminiscent of what has been inflicted on the persecuted of China, particularly of those practicing Falun Gong, I don’t know what is. Has our medical system become that immoral to follow the example of Communist China? As individuals we have to push back & stand up for life! Let your politicians provincially & federally know where you stand!

Alex Schadenberg said...

I oppose killing people therefore I support a proper dead donor rule nonetheless this is different than China. The Chinese are taking organs from living people but not by choice.

Freaks_Everywhere said...

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide Is Already Sick, Abusive & Outrageously Barbaric To Vulnerable & Innocent People, Their Friends & Family & Has Already Gone Way Too Far!!! Now This Creepy Stuff IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE!!! AND WHEN IT BECOMES A REALITY, THEN ARE THEY GOING TO ADMIT IT HAS GONE NOT JUST OVERBOARD BUT INSANE? OR WILL THERE BE SOMETHING NEW TO PROPOSE EVEN MORE INSANITY?

Carol V said...

This is why I refuse to register as an organ donor.

Iraj said...

How do we know that Canadian euthanasia doctors aren't already live harvesting victims? They don't exactly have a spotless track record when it comes to following the MAID laws, and there are no independent witnesses to these murders. The first drug administered to victims is a paralytic that renders them unable to move but still conscious and able to feel pain. How do we know victims aren't being butchered in that paralyzed state?

Alex Schadenberg said...

Dear Iraj. This is a good question.

Because your comment concerns organ donation, therefore others are involved with the act. The doctor who kills you is usually not a surgeon who is involved with organ donation. Nonetheless, the problem remains that there are no independent witnesses and it is hard to know whether euthanasia by organ donation is already happening.

Anonymous said...

I've stopped checking off my drivers license for organ donation..because I've become aware that as a mainely healthy 78 year old person my organs are more valuable taking them from me while I'm STILL ALIVE... thus seeding in my mind a fear that they won't try to save my life cause my organs are more valuable than I am !!! Now reading about these appalling medical death squads roaming the hospitals looking for helpless healthy organ donors only solidified my thinking in this regard ...I cant fathom of people who claim to be Drs & NURSES WHOSE OATH IT IS TO DO NO HARM ...HAVING A PART IN THIS DEATH CULTURE!!! ...NOW THEY'RE TRYING TO CONVINCE HEALTHY PEOPLE TO DEATH BY ORGAN DONATION😱 ..THIS IS THE MOST SICKENING ARTICLE ON EUTHANASIA EVER READ ...MY VIEW OF DRS & NURSES HAS FALLEN SINCE COVID... KNOWING WHAT DISHONEST THINGS THEY TOLD PEOPLE JUST TO GET AN UNTESTED VAXX IN THEIR ARM ...NOW KILLING HEALTHY PEOPLE TO HARVEST THEIR ORGANS IS BEYOND SOULSICKENING!!