Monday, April 29, 2024

Help the Calgary father of a 27-year-old autistic woman stop her euthanasia death.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director,
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses. (Link to the GiveSendGo campaign).

Due to a publication ban, the media refers to the father as (WV) and his daughter as (MV). WV contends that MV does not qualify for euthanasia because she is physically healthy, even though she is experience suicidal ideation.

I reported on April 9, 2024 that the father was granted an injunction preventing the euthanasia death of his 27-year-old autistic daughter, at least until the Alberta Court of Appeal decides on his challenge to the decision approving his daughters's euthanasia death.

This case is particularly distressing for me since I have an autistic son.

The Calgary father has already accumulated more than $100,000 in legal expenses in his attempt to prevent the euthanasia death of his healthy autistic daughter.

The legal expenses will continue to climb as his lawyers prepare for the Alberta Court of Appeal hearing in October 2024.

Help the Calgary father of the 27-year-old autistic woman stop his daughter from being killed by euthanasia by donating to his legal expenses. (Link to the GiveSendGo campaign).

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Anonymous said...

Please allow your daughter to live , she will bring great pleasure in your life if you let her 🎶

Alex Schadenberg said...

He is fighting to protect the life of his daughter.

Anonymous said...

This is so tragic- praying right now for the Father, for strength and comfort, and to win this case, setting a precedent. And praying for the daughter to find effective treatment for the reason she wants to end her life 💔