Friday, September 6, 2024

Excusing homicide and assisted suicide leads to subterfuge of ill motives.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Previous article: Retired doctor plead guilty to manslaughter in New York assisted suicide death (Article Link).
Stephen Miller (85) plead guilty to manslaughter in the death of a 59 year-old woman who died in November 2023 at the Super 8 hotel in Kingston New York. Miller is a retired doctor and assisted suicide activist from Arizona.

An article published by Mid Hudson News reported the response from District Attorney Emmanuel Nneji who stated:
Miller has taken accountability for his conduct in Ulster County. “His actions led to the death of another person in this community at her most desperate time.”

Nneji said the state legislature has not passed an assisted suicide law, “and as DA I cannot close my eyes to that fact regardless of any mitigating considerations lest we open a pandora’s box for subterfuge and ill motives to excuse homicides as assisted suicide.”

it is “best to direct or assist the person to the resources that are available through medical, psychiatric, and family interventions.”
Nneji then directed citizens who may be experiencing distress or suicidal ideation to contact the Ulster County Department of Mental Health at 845-340-4110, review resources in the county, or by calling 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

If New York  had legalized assisted suicide the questions would not necessarily have been whether or not this was a homicide of a person experiencing a desperate time but rather was Miller qualified to do assisted suicide in New York? Legalizing assisted suicide or euthanasia threatens people's lives when they need help not assistance to die.


Anonymous said...

There should NEVER be "assisted suicide" it needs to be called what it is... murder! It is rampant here in BC and the numbers are climbing fast. Sometimes when people go to emergency for help they are offered assisted suicide as a "cure". Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem!

Alex Schadenberg said...

There is a distinction between euthanasia and assisted suicide, that being who does the act. Euthanasia is a homicide where someone else carries out the act whereas assisted suicide is a suicide with assistance, whereby the doctor or nurse practitioner prescribes the lethal poison but the person "self administers."

Anonymous said...

Alex, that's confusing. The first drug administered is a paralytic so the victim who will die is completely paralyzed and unable to "self administer". MAiD is legalized homicide perpetrated by amoral by medically educated professionals.