Executive Director - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
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Susan Eng |
According to an article by Gloria Galloway in the Globe and Mail, Susan Eng, the long-time Executive Vice President of CARP was fired by Moses Znaimer based on her neutral position on euthanasia and assisted suicide and replaced by Wanda Morris, the former CEO of Dying With Dignity. According to the article:
The woman who has been the public face of Canada’s leading seniors organization for the past eight years says she has been dismissed by media mogul Moses Znaimer, who is also the organization’s president, because she insisted on taking a neutral approach to the emotionally charged issue of assisted dying.
Susan Eng was told on Tuesday that she was no longer needed as the executive vice-president of advocacy at CARP Canada. She then learned on Wednesday that she was being replaced by Wanda Morris, the head of Dying with Dignity Canada, which advocates for access to physician-assisted dying and against unnecessary barriers when safeguards are being imposed to protect the vulnerable.
... “The only reason he fired me was so that they can put out an official position for CARP saying that they want to insist on assisted dying on demand,” said Ms. Eng, a Toronto lawyer and former chair of the city’s police services board.
Znaimer has been promoting a radical pro-euthanasia position for some time. He his written one-sided propaganda articles urging "euthanasia on demand." Znaimer also wrote an article misconstruing the Bentley case in BC, a case that concerned the issue of whether normal feeding is medical treatment.
Many seniors are members of CARP to enjoy the travel, insurance and other benefits that are obtained through a CARP membership. Many seniors will now not renew their CARP membership or seeking an alternative organization to attain similar benefits.
Canadian seniors need to know that purchasing a membership in CARP is actually supporting a euthanasia advocacy group.
The CARP media release stated:
A New Vision of Aging for Canada, Chairman, President and CEO Moses Znaimertoday announced that Susan Eng has departed CARP effective immediately.
Moses has also announced that Wanda Morris has been appointed as CARP’s new Vice President of Advocacy and COO.
Most recently, Wanda was CEO of Dying With Dignity Canada (DWD Canada) where she led a strategic campaign for legislative change leading up to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in the ground-breaking Carter v. Canadacase for the right-to-die with dignity.
Dying With Dignity also changed its position while under the leadership of Wanda Morris. Historically, Dying With Dignity officially supported assisted suicide but opposed euthanasia. Dying With Dignity is now a radical supporter of euthanasia.
Last year Dying With Dignity lost its charitable status based on the fact that had become a political lobby group and their purpose ceased being charitable. It is possible that Znaimer hired Morris because Dying With Dignity was unable to continue paying her a competitive salary.
IF you look carefully on the Zoomer magazine website, you will see that their health articles have errors. They are small, but consider this "Canada has almost no problems with health care". This is untrue. Our problems with health care include denial of care, slow-rolling for care, denial of medications, discrimination and steering. So Zoomer is a platform for someone's agenda, not a source of information. Bias doesn't even enter into it. The sad part is that to say the mag is now pro-euthanasia, ignores those who are against euthanasia. Are we now going to see ridicule of people who are against it? This is part of the silence procedure of dissent...
Thank you for this warning against the newly refashioned CARP.
According to your link about Death With Dignity, though, the latter organization did not become a political lobby group but instead was one from its inception and therefore should never have been registered as a charity. In any case, an organization purporting to help seniors should have deemed Morris's background completely unsuitable.
I have been a member of CARP for several years, for the travel and insurance information and benefits. Earlier this week, I tried to complete the survey questionnaire they put out on "Doctor Assisted Death/Dying." - to try and voice my anti-assisted suicide views. The questionnaire was extremely biased and did not even allow the choice of saying I was opposed to Doctor Assisted Dying. I will not be renewing my membership.
I had become aware that my local CARP chapter was promoting 'Dying with Dignity" as part of the national policy & because of that, I have not renewed my membership. I had enjoyed the meetings, & learned a lot from the speakers, etc. I attended a 'Dying with Dignity' info meeting sponsored by my chapter and was amazed at the enthusiasm of support at the meeting. The speaker had to emphasize & point out that a person with dementia could not choose euthanasia, nor could the PoA for personal care for that person--the crowd hugely objected to that. The article tells me that 'Dying with Dignity' has moved away from that condition/restriction. We can expect that permissible legislation will eventually allow euthanasia for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Would you please publish address where one can write Moses Z.?
I will cancel my membership in CARP. These types of attitudes I thought were defeated with Hitler.
Dying with dignity is a sneaky cover up for those wanting to control population growth. This same policy was practiced and promoted by dictators such as Hitler etc.
Get rid of the weaker humans, the old aged, mentally and physically handicapped. These people were considered a burden to humanity and therefore unfit to live. Now it starts with the old aged persons. If we look at what is happening in countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands etc. one notices very quickly euthanasia is not limited to the old aged. Now even young people are being euthanized for various reasons. Once society (Government) implements these policies it is extremely difficult to reverse the tide. It therefore is of utmost importance for all of us to contact our elected MP's and make sure they vote against any so called "Dying with Dignity" legislation.
How horrible is this?.... CARP now identifies itself with the falsely and euphamistically self-named group "dying with dignity".The organization of "CARP" has been infiltrated with pro-euthanasia advocates and this belief has been included (in the recent past) by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and the Canadian College of Nurses as well as other health care organizations.
I worked as a Registered Nurse for more than forty years, caring for many dying people who really died with dignity and with appropriate pain control. Obviously Carp and the the RNAO no longer represent my professional ethics and my cultural beliefs as a caring Canadian. I totally reject their positions in relation to end of life issues! Palliative Care is the only solution to the severe problem of actually providing death with dignity.
I cancelled my own membership over this most important issue. How a group that is supposed to advocate for vulnerable people who are most influenced by others into making unwise decisions ends up promoting an early end of life is beyond comprehension.
The reply from the local representative from CARP confirmed that CARP is not interested in what its members have to say. In his opinion, the fact that others held the opposite opinion was sufficient for mine to not matter. His parting word expressed regret that I would no longer have access to their products. Really, would I change my mind about one of life's most important questions over the possible saving of a few dollars on products and services?
My wife Joan and I have long been members of CARP, and have appreciated its services. However, because of the replacement of Ms. Eng by Ms Morris, we are resigning immediately.
Paul R. Sheppard
April 4, 2016
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