Friday, November 29, 2024

British Parliament passes assisted suicide bill at second reading

It is not the final vote. We will work to defeat this deadly bill.
Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

I have sad news. Members of the UK Parliament voted 330 to 275 at second reading to support Kim Leadbeater's assisted suicide bill.
Not Dead Yet UK responded by stating that they will continue to protest this unsafe and discriminatory bill.

The battle is not over. The bill will be further scrutinised and committee hearings will occur before the final vote.

Let's be clear. If this bill passes, doctors will be given the right to assist the suicide of British residents. This is a life and death debate.

The good news is that the vote was closer than originally projected.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer, the leader of Britain's Labour Party, is a long-time promoter of assisted suicide. The July 4, 2024 election resulted in the Labour Party winning a massive majority with 411 out of 650 seats in parliament. A large number of the recently elected Labour members voted NO on the assisted suicide bill.

With further debate, MP's will have the opportunity to reflect on the deadly implications of legalizing assisted suicide.

Many MP's supported the bill because they were told that the Leadbeater assisted suicide bill was tighter than other assisted suicide laws.

We will continue to publish and circulate articles on how every jurisdiction that has legalized euthanasia and/or assisted suicide, that the laws were later expanded in scope and numbers of deaths.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition opposes killing people.


dougsned said...

Thank you to the British politicians for standing up for the bodily autonomy of consenting and competent adults. The great majority of the British public support this law. Having no choice in our births, we would like a choice in our deaths.

Christianity is a vile repulsive religion that glorifies suffering. One of the most venerated figures in. Christianity and Catholicism intentionally let her patients suffer because she believed it brought them closer to Jesus. Stick to the diocese of London.

KathleenLundquist said...

Thank you to the British organization Not Dead Yet for standing up for the lives, dignity, and autonomy of disabled people everywhere. The people of Great Britain will not support assisted suicide once they learn the facts about its practice and its actual effect on public health. Contrary to advocates' propaganda, having access to legal assisted suicide _does not guarantee a choice in how and when one dies._

[As to the anti-Christian screed, well... whatever, man.]

Aaron said...

And yet a multitude of polls (even run by pro-choice organisations) finds that the great majority of persons with disabilities in the UK support a change in the law. Hence why you will never see a referendum to be held amongst such persons because they'd know exactly what the result would be. Quite curious!