Thursday, August 1, 2024

EPC-USA August 21 training webinar: Assisted suicide is Not the Answer: Killing is Not Caring

Join the EPC-USA webinar on August 21, 2024 at 7:30 pm (Eastern Time) titled: Assisted Suicide is Not the Answer: Killing is Not Caring.

When: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at: 7:30 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance for this webinar: (Registration Link).

Alex Schadenberg
The webinar will explain the strategy and the concerns that the assisted suicide lobby will deny in states when they are trying to legalize assisted suicide.

Alex Schadenberg will examine the increasing numbers and reasons for assisted suicide and provide an analysis of assisted suicide expansion bills. Talking points and strategy will be provided.

The online webinar is designed as a training session to help people oppose assisted suicide in their state. There will be a specific focus on how to prevent the legalization of assisted suicide in New York State. The information will be helpful for people from other jurisdictions.

There will be time for questions and answers.

When: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at: 7:30 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance for this webinar: (Registration Link). 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information for joining the meeting.

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