Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Slovenia passes assisted suicide referendum in tight vote.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

The Slovenian referendum on the question ‘Are you in favour of adopting a law that will regulate the right to assistance in the voluntary end of life?’ passed with 55% in favour and 45% against. The vote is non-binding, but has support from three political parties who proposed the referendum.

Earlier this year I travelled to Slovenia to speak to politicians and local organizers about Canada's experience with legalizing euthanasia.

In March I reported that the Slovenian government defeated the euthanasia bill. At the same time the Slovenian government announced their intention to have a referendum on the "basic question" of euthanasia rather than the bill that they were debating.

Slovenian legislation allows for a referendum on legislation that is passed by the government. Therefore if the new Slovenian government passes a bill to legalize assisted suicide, it is likely that a new referendum will be organized based on the specific language of the legislation.

The assisted suicide battle in Slovenia is far from over.

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