Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Canadian veteran slams euthanasia law for targeting her peers.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalitio

Kelsi Sheren, who was an artillery specialist in Afghanistan and is now the CEO of Brass and Unity, a jewellery company which works to prevent military veterans from committing suicide.

Recently Kelsi Sheren and Jordon Peterson did a podcast titled: The Horrifying Truth Behind MAiD that they aren't telling you (Link).

Sheren, who was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder upon her return home to Canada and considered suicide regularly, views herself as someone who could have been a candidate for euthanasia.

Sheren is now fighting to protect veterans from MAiD.

Clayton DeMaine reported on June 19 for True North Wire that:

She started her fight against Canada’s “medical assistance in dying” program after hearing her fellow veterans had been offered assisted suicide at a time when accessing treatments can be difficult.
Kelsi Sheren
DeMaine reports Sheren as saying:
“Why is it that we can access death care, but we can’t access a genuine treatment that can help us become a functioning healthy, taxpaying part of society?”

Sheren attributes her mental health recovery to the use of plant medicine therapy.
DeMaine reports:

“My issue with (euthanasia) is how we are killing people and how we have a predatory behaviour of telling individuals that they can’t heal, they can’t get better, and the solution to their problems is death,”
Sheren is concerned with the role of the government in promoting euthanasia.
She said the government shouldn’t be in charge of the program, because many of the problems that lead someone to want suicide could be a result of the government’s mismanagement.
DeMaine reports that Sheren is also concerned with how people die by euthanasia:
She pointed to studies conducted by anesthesiologist and intensive care medicine specialist Dr. Joel Zivot on the effects of paralytic drugs in capital punishment, drugs that he said are similar to those used in the death cocktails offered by doctors in the “MAiD” program.
DeMaine interviewed Dr Joel Zivot concerning his research on the effects of the drugs used for euthanasia.
Zivot warned that the use of paralytics in Canada’s “MAiD” system may be giving patients a “terrifying” death rather than the peaceful death many advocates of the program say it is.

Though there haven’t been large-scale autopsies to study the effects of MAiD, Zivot found that 79% of U.S. prisoners had a “bloody frothy liquid” in their lungs after being executed with two paralytic drugs.

He said propofol that’s used in Canada’s euthanasia programs can do the same thing as the drugs used to execute those prisoners in the U.S., in a process he said was “akin to waterboarding.”

“(Paralytics) have no effect on unconsciousness or pain control, when a person is given only a paralytic they would be very much awake and very much in pain,” Zivot said. “Outwardly, if you looked at a person who was paralyzed, you know, it might look very peaceful because, of course, they wouldn’t be moving at all…but on the inside their internal experience could be quite terrifying.”

He said MAiD practitioners are “suffocating people to death.”
Zivot also warned that euthanasia is also being used to encourage people to donate their organs.

Kelsi Sheren became opposed to euthanasia after learning that soldiers who had served our country were being encouraged to die by euthanasia.

Sheren is right. It is crazy that people who served our country are being offered death rather than treatment to live.

Previous article: Afghanistan veteran slams Canadian government for euthanasia of veterans. (Link).


Anonymous said...

I had always believed in euthanasia as a personal choice for a myriad of reasons. Your articles exposing paralytic drugs used in MAID have opened my eyes!! Please keep exposing the barbaric atrocities of dying trapped in your own body with a paralytic drug. Thank you for the education!!

Anonymous said...

Propofol is a sedative, not a paralytic...

Janice said...

As with the covid vaccine, the truth is finally being realized by people and that they were lied to about the vaccine and the fatal effects it could have.
Now that people are starting to think twice before they agree to taking drugs that are being pushed on them by the government, this is when the truth about suicidal drugs needs exposure.
Let's hope doctors will now start speaking up about the reality of this kind of death that has been romanticized, fantasized and euphemized by the government, media and groups like Dying With Dignity.
CARP supports and promotes this 'choice'. It would be interesting to know if all members are aware of this.
Time for people to wake up and not let governments mislead and gaslight society again.

Anonymous said...

Propofol. Is a sedative, not a paralytic...

Could this please be explained, with sources?

None-the-less, God knows the best time for us to die and to choose ourselves is absolute folly. if only humanity knew how good God really is and trusted Him more. Our modern world has turned its back on Him and therefore no longer receives His loving help. His prerequisite is that we recognize Him and ask for it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a MAiD supporter for lots of reasons. I also agree with the whole argument that access to death is becoming easier than access to treatment for many groups of people. I have this concern for the poor and mentally ill as well as veterans. I don't want to get sidetracked from that essential fact.
As a second issue, we do want to be careful to fact check assertions, both those for and against. I see propofol is a sedative used in surgery ( I guess I'll have to watch Dr Zivots video to assess what he claims.
Keep up the fight!