Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Canadian doctor says assisted dying law is being used by more people than anticipated

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Dr Ramona Coelho
Canadian Dr Ramona Coelho told Manx radio in the Isle of Man that Canada's euthanasia legislation is being used more often than people anticipated.

Manx radio reported that:

A Canadian doctor has claimed that the assisted dying law, passed in her country, is being used by more people than anticipated despite it being hailed as an ‘exceptional’ procedure.

Dr Ramona Coelho, spoke to some members of the House of Keys yesterday (11 June) whilst MHKs were considering the clauses of the Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill.

She’s told Manx Radio there were 13,000 assisted deaths in 2022 and around 16,000 last year.
Dr Coelho says she’s concerned about how the law impacts the most marginalised of people.
Coelho is a family physician whose practise focuses on marginalized Canadians.

Previous articles concerning Dr Ramona Coelho

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