Thursday, May 16, 2024

New Hampshire assisted suicide bill is dead in 2024.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

On March 21, 2024, the New Hampshire House passed assisted suicide House Bill 1283 by a vote of 179 to 176 based on support from Libertarian Republicans. The assisted suicide bill was referred to the Senate where it was stopped on May 16, 2024 by a vote to 17 to 7 to send the bill for further study.  

Adam Sexton reported for that:

After an emotional floor debate on Thursday morning, New Hampshire state senators voted 17-7 to further study a bill that would legalize "medical aid in dying," or assisted suicide, in New Hampshire.

The legislation, which already passed the New Hampshire House by a narrow margin, would allow a terminally ill adult patient of sound mind with fewer than six months to live to be prescribed a lethal cocktail of drugs, which they would self-administer to die by suicide. But now, the bill will be sidelined, likely until the next legislative session.

The President of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Gordon Friesen, sent members of New Hampshire's Senate his article titled: A call to defeat New Hampshire assisted suicide House Bill 1283 (Link).


Janice said...

That's good news. Hopefully they'll use Canada as an example to prove how this or any bill will not stop at the limits proposed. Once the camel's nose is in the tent, it will not stop there.

Vi said...

Oh wow! That's great news! Thank you Lord!