Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bad news: Tuscany Italy has legalized assisted suicide.

Alex Schdenberg
Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, 
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Those who follow the assisted suicide debate in Italy know that the Italian Constitutional Court opened the door to assisted suicide with a court decision in September 2019

Since then the Italian govenrment has grappled with the issue of assisted suicide. The current government has decided not to legalize assisted suicide. The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition agrees with the Italian government's decision.

The assisted suicide lobby has turned their attention to the regional parliaments and on February 11 Reuters reported that Tuscany is the first Italian region to legalize assisted suicide. Reuters reported that:
Tuscany's regional law, which passed by a 27-13 majority, spells out how assisted suicide requests should be handled, including an obligation for a medical panel to consider applications within 30 days. 
If the criteria are met, the regional health service must provide the necessary medication and healthcare personnel within 10 days, unless the patient wants his own doctor to carry out the procedure. 
The law allows doctors to refuse to participate on moral or ethical grounds.
The Reuters article continues by stating:
Healthcare in Italy is largely a regional competence. Tuscany is ruled by the centre-left, but at national level Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's rightist coalition is broadly against euthanasia. 
Last year, however, a right-to-die bill was discussed in the regional assembly of right-wing ruled Veneto, and failed to pass by just one vote as both the centre-left and centre-right camps split on the issue.
The pro-euthanasia Luca Coscioni Association is trying to legalize assisted suicide in all 20 Italian regions.

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1 comment:

Sick_Society said...

Tuscany Seemed Like Such A Sweet Spot, Gorgeous Landscape, Healthy Tasty Italian Cuisine, And Now This!!! Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Seems Like A Very Great Human Being With Her Rightist Coalition That Is Broadly Against Euthanasia For The Right Reasons, However How Can Luca Coscioni's Pro-Euthanasia Association Succeed With Their Evil & Even Overpower All The Good That This Great Person Stands For & Fights For & Can Already Legalize This Killing Allowance & Continue To Even Try To Legalize Killing In All 20 Italian Regions???-INSANE!!! NOW WE HAVE TO CRY GOODBYE TO A BEAUTIFUL AND CHARMING ITALY & ITALIAN CULTURE AS IT WILL NOW TURN INTO A KILLING MACHINE CULTURE FIXATED ON DEATH!!!