Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New York assisted suicide bill may be debated this year.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Dan Clark reported for the Times Union that assisted suicide remains on the docket in New York. Clark's article: A month left in NY's legislative session. Here's what Clark states is on deck states:
Legislation is also up for consideration that would allow terminally ill patients to be prescribed medication they could use to end their life before their illness takes them.

It’s a bill that’s struggled to gain support in the Legislature, but that may change because of a key endorsement of the legislation this year.

The Medical Society of the State of New York had opposed the bill, but reversed that position in April after an internal vote.

“(The Medical Society) supports legislation such as the Medical Aid in Dying Act and supports physicians’ choice to opt-in or decline to engage in the processes and procedures as outlined in any proposed medical aid in dying legislation,” the group said.

Advocates for the bill have been a consistent presence at the Capitol this year, usually on Tuesdays. They approach lawmakers and try to convince them to sign on to the bill.

Opponents of the legislation refer to the practice as “assisted suicide,” though some have different reasons for why they’re against it.

Some religious groups, for example, are morally against it. Some disability advocates, but not all, see it as a slippery slope that could lead to similar legislation aimed at people with chronic conditions.

The assisted suicide lobby has invested resources into getting the New York assisted suicide bill debated. We are ready to oppose the assisted suicide bill.

Contact New York representatives to oppose assisted suicide (Link).

More information on this topic:

  • The assisted suicide lobby wants to legalize assisted suicide in your state and then expand the law later (Link).
  • Disability leaders on New York's capital urge lawmakers to reject assisted suicide (Link).
  • Vermont assisted suicide deaths more than quadruple (Link).

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