Friday, June 21, 2024

Uruguayan Senate pressured to debate euthanasia.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Uruguay Parliament
The Prensa Latina reported on June 21 that the euthanasia lobby is pressuring the Uruguay Senate to debate euthanasia. According to the report:
The shelving of a bill on euthanasia in the Uruguayan Senate has raised complaints from organizations that defend the right to assisted death.

This was a reaction to the delayed debate of a proposed law that the ruling National Party’s bench decided to postpone.

The legislative project is being studied by the Senate Commission, which has not met for two months.
The euthanasia lobby has complained that the National Party has prevented debate on a draft bill in the Senate.

The Uruguayan government needs to consider how legalizing euthanasia has negatively affected the rights of people with disabilities, the homeless and people living in poverty in Canada.

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