Monday, May 27, 2024

We mourn the euthanasia death of Zoraya ter Beek

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
In early April I published an article titled: Autistic 28-year-old Dutch woman scheduled to die by euthanasia
Voz media published an article on May 26, 2024 reporting that Zoraya ter Beek died by euthanasia on Wednesday May 24. The report stated:
Young Dutch woman Zoraya ter Beek died this week after undergoing euthanasia, according to various European media reports.

Ter Beek had requested euthanasia from state authorities, alleging that she was suffering from mental health problems, including depression and autism. She was, she said, "tired of living."

She died Wednesday at 1 p.m., according to a local newspaper report. For three years, she had been advocating for the right to die with state assistance.

Her case reignited the debate around the morality and legality of euthanasia.

EPC is helping a Calgary father legally challenge the euthanasia approval of his 27-year-old autistic daughter (Link).

Articles on this story:

Response to Autistic women who plan to die by euthanasia (Link)

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