Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Most Muslim doctors oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Alex Schadenberg
xecutive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

The British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA), which represents Muslim medical professionals across the UK, healthcare workers in response to a Scottish government consultation on assisted dying. 

The UK Parliament is expected to debate and vote on a assisted dying bill in England and Wales next week, with MPs to be given a free vote on a second reading vote likely before Christmas.

The BIMA survey found:
  • 82% disagree or strongly disagree that it should be legal for a doctor to participate in Assisted Dying by undertaking the assessment process.
  • 88% disagree or strongly disagree that it should be legal for a doctor to participate in Assisted Dying by prescribing life-ending medication.
The BIMA survey is particularly important now that Kim Leadbeater (MP) will introduce a private members bill to legalize assisted suicide in England and Wales. 

British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, has said that he would give the assisted suicide private members bill government time in order to ensure that it goes to a vote.

The voice of the British Islamic Medical Association needs to be heard.

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