Monday, September 9, 2024

Sarco Selling Murder-Suicide

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Philip Nitschke with Sarco
Sarah Oliver and Sanchez Manning reported for the Daily Mail on September 7, 2024 that Peter and Christine Scott have decided to not only be the first people to die by assisted suicide with the Sarco pod, but that they intend to die together.

Peter and Christine Scott are part of a death campaign that romanticizes suicide where the "wish to die" is turned into a "love story."

The Sarco suicide pod was designed by suicide promoter Philip Nitschke, formerly known as Australia's Dr Death, to enable suicide by being gassed to death. The person activates the nitrogen gas which causes a suicide death by suffocation.

In July, the media reported that: 

Peter Sticher, a public prosecutor, cautioned that Mr Nitschke would face serious consequences for aiding, abetting, and inducing suicide, particularly if done for selfish reasons.

In a letter obtained by Swiss media, Mr Sticher said: ''There is no reliable information about the method of killing. [It is] completely unclear who has control over which mechanical process during the dying process.''

Since Peter and Christine Scott plan to "die together" the deaths would be defined as a murder-suicide, since one person would activate the nitrogen gas but both would die by suffocation, meaning one death is a self-murder while the other is clear murder.

The Sarco was developed by Nitschke as a way to gain media attention and to promote his websites that sell suicide books, materials and gadgets. 

Nitschke is 'making a killing' on selling suicide.

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