Thursday, August 8, 2024

Spanish court to decide if 23 year old woman dies by euthanasia.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

The Spanish media reported today that the father of a 23 year-old woman has challenged in court the approval of euthanasia for his daughter. An article published by ACI Prensa (google translated) reported that:
The Spanish courts are currently maintaining the suspension of the execution of a euthanasia procedure on a 23-year-old girl that was to be carried out on August 2, pending the intervention of higher authorities.

The father of the young woman, aged 23, urged the suspension of euthanasia because his daughter does not have the capacity to “make decisions freely, consciously and informed” due to “mental disorders, which include suicidal ideation, paranoid ideas and bipolar disorder” as reflected in the petition for precautionary measures.
ACI Prensa reported that:
The young woman, who lacks full mobility in her legs as a result of a suicide attempt in 2022, suffers from a “borderline personality disorder” as well as an “obsessive-compulsive” type of disorder.
The Spanish case is similar to the Calgary case of the father of the 27-year-old autistic woman who successfully challenged the planned euthanasia of his daughter. (Article Link).


  1. all disorders of. the brain an be healed with proper diet ,counselling, gut healing,homeopathic tissue salts, rife , biofeedback tech, pure love and heartfelt attention .,ml

    1. If you have such great advice why are you presenting as anonymous.

    2. As much as it very possible to heal through all those means, this is very simplistic approach as it’s easier said than done. Please, do not minimize the fact, that most, if not all of these need to be implemented by a caregiver, usually a parent, and it’s often not welcomed by the one who is affected by the mental illness. This puts even more stress and weight on the parent. If we had the system that isn’t broken with proper support for caregivers, this could be very well implemented and achieved, but unfortunately the reality is different. I am speaking from experience. I know that diet, gut healing etc would be beneficial for my daughter, but not only am I exhausted from dealing with her challenges, she opposed diet changes, therapy and anything else I try to implement. And I have zero support. So it’s easy to say what could eradicate the problem, but in reality it’s condescending to the caregivers…..

  2. LORD have mercy! This is messed up on sooooo many levels! :( How absolutely heartbreaking for this father (to have to FIGHT the Court in order to KEEP your precious daughter (a part of you) alive/from being KILLED by Euthanasia! :'(

    Allowing yourself to be KILLED, CONFUSED, OPPRESSED & DECEIVED by those hateful, wicked ones in power (in order to appease their blood lust & further their (depopulation) AGENDA 2030, through Euthanasia) IS NOT THE ANSWER, my friends.

    The DEVIL is a LIAR! There IS hope in Christ! :) I know, I was just as hopeless and I almost committed suicide, but GOD Almighty delivered me from that hopelessness, the pain & the lies of the enemy that I was being oppressed by & believing.

    In addition, HE made a way for me where there seemed to be NO WAY, in order to heal, get strong and move forward from that dark, dark place I was in (via abuse) for years.

    JESUS TRULY LOVES YOU! Please consider (sincerely) calling upon the Lord Jesus, in FAITH, Precious ones! :) Hugs, Love & Blessings in Christ
    (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

  3. Kasia, you mentioned "...and it’s often not welcomed by the one who is affected by the mental illness." and "I know that diet, gut healing etc would be beneficial for my daughter, but not only am I exhausted from dealing with her challenges, she opposed diet changes, therapy and anything else I try to implement. And I have zero support." I'm so deeply sorry that you are going through all of this with your precious daughter & with zero support. (Hugs) My heart & prayers truly go out to you, as I know it's beyond heartbreaking & absolutely exhausting! xxx

    I was also the sole caregiver for my late best friend of 22 years, Thelma (from 2009-2011) until she passed away from ovarian cancer in 2011, at the age of 44 yrs old.

    During those 2 very long & trying years (which included 1 misdiagnosis, 1 surgery, 18 chemo treatments, many visits to clinics, the ER, Urgent Care, a few Hospital stays & Dr. visits), she also was opposed to everything I tried to do & suggest to help her.

    Although it was a labor of love, it was a constant & extremely frustrating battle that was physically, emotionally & mentally draining (as you are well aware).

    What's was very painful watching Thel's depression, fear & hopelessness increase & her will to fight & live diminish as the months went by.

    So, even though she wanted to die, she was also afraid of dying, until the night before she passed. In the end...she passed naturally, without any drugs/Pentobarbital (Nembutal) or morphine (for pain).

    So Kasia, even though I was a sole caregiver for only 2 years, I do understand what it's like caring for a loved one by yourself, how painful, exhausting & frustrating it is & especially when you are facing opposition from that dear one that you are trying to help. xxx

    I also agree when you said "If we had the system that isn’t broken with proper support for caregivers, this could be very well implemented and achieved, but unfortunately the reality is different."

    Kasia, I don't know if you are of faith, but I am & I can definitely say that my faith, in Jesus Christ & lots of prayer (& answered prayers) are what strengthened me & pulled me through that very difficult time (& many other difficult times) in my life. (:

    Please stay strong & encouraged as you continue on in your labor of love. I will also add you & your beloved daughter to my prayers. xxx
    Blessings & Love, in Christ,
    Sincerely, Viola (:
