Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Scottish parliament seeks submissions concerning assisted death bill.

This message was received from the Care Not Killing Alliance (UK). There is a consultation on Liam McArthur's assisted suicide bill. If you wish to make a submission it must be done by August 16. Alex Schadenberg

Dear friends,

The call for evidence launched by the Scottish Parliament’s Health Committee, as part of its scrutiny of Liam McArthur’s assisted suicide bill, closes on Friday 16 August (at 6:00 pm). Individuals and organisations are invited to express their views; we will be submitting evidence, and we encourage all supporters (the call is not restricted to respondents in Scotland) to do likewise, bearing in mind that any change in the law at Holyrood (Scotland) would have ramifications across these islands.

The Committee has published both a short survey and a detailed call for evidence.

The short survey requires answers to only four questions:
  • Which of the following best reflects your views on the Bill? *Multiple choice; we recommend "Strongly oppose"
  • Which of the following factors are most important to you when considering the issue of assisted dying? *Multiple choice
  • Do you have any other comments on the Bill? *Open text - you may wish to consult our guide to the detailed all for evidence.
  • How did you find out about this consultation?  *Multiple choice

Anyone can submit evidence to the Scottish parliament. If you have a personal story, that will also suffice.

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