Monday, October 23, 2023

Euthanasia for Anorexia, Drug Addiction and Loneliness?

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Brian Lilley, a regular columnist with the Toronto Sun, was published on Saturday, October 21 asking: 

Is there any line in the sand for the government in Canada when it comes to expanding euthanasia?

Lilley examines the question of euthanasia for mental illness, which he points out, will include people who are living with drug addiction. 
We’ve offered medical assistance in dying to veterans struggling with PTSD. We will soon offer MAID to those suffering from mental illness, which will include drug addiction.

Combined with the stories of people looking for assistance in dying due to homelessness or poor living conditions, it’s time to ask if there is any line in the sand when it comes to euthanasia and the government in Canada?
Lilley explains the history of how Canada legalized MAiD (euthanasia) and how Canada is poised to expand it's euthanasia law again to allow euthanasia for mental illness in March 2024. 

Hon. Ed Fast
Now, the government is about to expand it again and last week voted down a Conservative MP’s proposal not to expand MAID to include mental illness.

Ed Fast, the British Columbia MP who sought to stop those solely dealing with mental illness being able to access MAID, has said the system is already being abused with people accessing assistance in dying already before it is legal. Fast worries about what these changes will mean down the road and just how far Canada is will to go in expanding access to something we were told would be rare.
Lilley states that in 2021 euthanasia was Canada's seventh leading cause of death and it will soon be Canada's fifth leading cause of death. 
It’s not clear that the public has thought through the full implications of expanding MAID even further. Should we be allowing people suffering solely from mental illness to access help in killing themselves?

Reuters recently reported on a 47 year-old woman with anorexia who is looking forward to the law being changed so she can access MAID. Vice News recently wrote about how drug addicts will be able to access MAID in the near future, even speaking to an activist doctor who supports this move while also being an activist for so-called “harm reduction” and “safer supply” programs.
Lilley concludes:

This isn’t what Canadians expected when we started down this path.

A poll from the Angus Reid Institute released in September showed just 28% support the government’s move to allow access solely based on mental health concerns even though a strong majority in Canada support MAID overall.

It’s a difficult issue for the government to deal with and an uncomfortable one for many Canadians to discuss but before we move forward with a further expansion in March, we need to have a real discussion about the future of MAID.
More information on this topic:

  • 28% of Canadians support euthanasia for mental illness (Link).
  •  Canada's euthanasia program has gone Mad (Link).


  1. This makes one grieve for those so desperate that they can’t see any other way out than ending their lives .It is my prayer that we as nation would began to value life from birth to our elderly citizens .Let’s each make a difference let’s began to elect Godly men and woman to our government who will make Godly laws not those that do not value life . Everyone matters in our nation they are valuable let’s treat them that way let spend our tax dollar to support life not destroy it we have choice lets make it at the polls next election.Let’s be a nation where it is more important to preserve life rather than promote this death culture called abortion and euthanasia where we tell our babies our youth our elderly ,everyone you are not valuable . We can do better Canada we did better let’s return to doing better and be the country where life is valuable all life .prayers Marlyen

  2. As a human being, I am horrified to think that so many people from all walks of life are convinced that it is fine to kill off other human beings in the name of mercy. Only the Creator of all life has the right to determine one's lifespan. How do we mere humans dare to usurp our Creator's rightful role? What has happened to the concept of redemptive suffering? How long will it be before governments can legislate the killing of, for example the elderly, whose care is costing the government money? Surely, the saving of public funds, rather than mercy, is a great motivator for both euthanasia and abortion. Let us wake up and do all in our limited power to expose these great evils.

  3. Yes Alison Melvin, it's horrific what's going on. :( Sadly, the Devil (who was a murderer from the beginning) has deceived a great many...from those ungodly men/women in power (who follow his lead), to those led to believe that their blood thirsty, elitist oppressors are giving them a 'merciful' solution to the very situation/s that their oppressors (purposely & over time) crafted, in the first place.

    If only people would repent (turn back to our Creator), in hope & faith and receive HIS love, mercy & grace (that is in Christ JESUS), the Devil wouldn't have the power to be able to deceive them and our GOD/Creator would SURELY make a WAY for them, where there seems to be NO WAY, at the moment. I should know! (: GOD is faithful & HE will meet all of our needs through Christ's glorious riches. (: Praise GOD Almighty in Heaven & Thank You JESUS! (:
