Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Mother wants to stop her 23 year old son from being killed by euthanasia.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

Sign and share the petition to the Ontario Minister of Health (Petition Link)

Margaret Marsilla has launced a campaign to stop the euthanasia death of her 23-year-old son. Margaret's son has had Type 1 Diabetes since he was 4yrs old….he is now 23. Her son is scheduled to be killed by lethal injection (MAiD) on September 28 at the MAiD House, which is a euthanasia clinic. Margaret wrote in her petition:
My son has had Type 1 Diabetes since he was 4yrs old….he is now 23. He recently lost eyesight in his left eye, and has partial eyesight in the right eye.

From having diabetes at a young age to losing his eyesight, he decided to apply for MAID (medically assisted in dying) and to our surprise, he got approved for it. Can you believe it!!! The doctor literally has given him the gun to kill himself.
When speaking with Margaret she expressed that she loves her son and is committed to getting him the treatment that he needs. But he needs to be alive to receive treatment. Margaret wrote in her petition:
Now just think of it…. A young boy who has lived with diabetes, a teenager who has been influenced with constant marijuana smoking (which has obviously altered his young brain) and now just lost his eye sight has been given the go ahead to give up just like that!!! This doctor and small team of opinions are basing it on Diabetes and blindness and that he is suffering from pain.

However, his pain is managed through injections in his eye, and his diabetes is managed through insulin. There are plenty of treatments out there for all of this but my son is giving up on life not because of pain and suffering but because it affected him mentally and emotionally.

Giving up is in the now, but killing yourself is for eternal, and not a good reason for MAiD.
Sign and share the petition to the Ontario Minister of Health (Petition Link

Margaret is committed to saving the life of her son but she is also concerned about your kids. Margaret wrote in her petition:

This action has long reaching consequences for all young adults and teens. It will affect them and their parents going through the journey of diabetes, knowing that when the going gets tough, that they can make a decision to have help in dying. This system that allows troubled young adults to make a life altering decision is wrong.


I need your help to make our voices heard. Please sign the attached Petition to stop these awful doctors from giving our children the ammunition they need to kill themselves.

Sign and share the petition to the Ontario Minister of Health (Petition Link)


  1. There is something drasticly wrong with your petition page will not take proper imput in the field areas please check it ..

  2. I sent the concerns to Citizengo and they told me that they are looking into it.

  3. This is astonishing.
    This young man is not happy with his life, not his medical condition, and that is a psychological or logistical problem. Maybe he needs more physical assistance and help managing his visual impairment, not death. He needs someone who knows about his condition because he can't handle the stress and anxiety.
    He would do well to meet with people with full blindness and learn from them. There are no braver people than those who live successful and full lives with complete blindness.
    Introduce him to groups that provide activities and sports (eg. horseback riding for the disabled) for visual impairments. A whole myriad of things for the blind.

    Blindness is a powerfully difficult impairment. He needs to hear it from those who have succeeded and there is a whole world out there for him. He needs to be taught how to have faith in himself.

    Shame on the doctors who approved this...they know there is success for him but are enabling his insecure and vulnerable state.

    We all knew this was going to happen and now we're seeing it. Very, very sad.

    (Your petition must be working now as it went through for me (8:37pm).)

  4. Euthanasia or abortion are crimes against the dignity of the human person! Them both are murder in the name of selfishness!
    Life, gender and the dignity of the human person begin a conception and through natural death!
    Life and freedom are gifts from God, and nobody else.
    Faith only in God!

  5. As a deafblind Asperger person this is terrible since legally blind people can do same as abled only via a different route

  6. Euthanasia is absolutely not the solution for anything as if killing someone was the answer .We put people behind bars and we call it crime and then are weak ,vulnerable,sick ,we think killing them would be the answer.We can do better than that we can and let’s take this evil practice off the board and help make away for them to live.Stop the killing it is time that we valued life not just our own but every life .Today is the day of reconciliation for the First Nation People those lives matter but so does every life matter no matter what your culture your race YOU MaTTER and you are valuable don’t believe the lie you are valuable and there is a God in Heaven and He loves You and He has. Plan for your life so call-on Him and He will answer you and show you the way to live .Remember you are loved and you are valuable blessings Marlyen

  7. Are we there yet?

    "Having a bad day? Call MAiD and we'll have an UBER driver deliver a death cocktail 🍸 in 30 minutes or free!"

    God save us.

  8. I received this from Margaret Boos

    Hello, Sir,

    I understand that you are a young man who has endured type 1 diabetes almost all of your life. And recently your eyesight has been greatly affected.

    When I was in my twenties (I now am near 70), I too went through a very dark season in my life: mentally, socially, and emotionally. Also, as a teenager, I was diagnosed with the condition of hypoglycemia which has required me to follow a diabetic diet ever since.

    I encourage you to choose life. In my life, with treatment, I survived the dark days and have had very beautiful seasons in my life. Yes, I also have down times but life is ongoing and worth living. Death is permanent.

    CNIB has helped me and I suggest that you reach out to them as well.

    Again, I urge you to stay alive and enjoy whatever happens.


    Margaret I Boos

  9. Does anyone have an update?

  10. The doctor who had agreed to kill the 23-year-old has decided not to do it. It is a victory but we must be cautious because another doctor may agree to kill him.

  11. Praise God. We must keep praying for this young man 🙏💛
