Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Winnipeg Church hosts (MAiD) euthanasia death

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

An article by Jesse T Jackson that was published by the publication, Church Leaders on April 18 explains that Churchill Park United Church in Winnipeg Manitoba hosted the euthanasia death of Betty Sanguin (86) on March 9, 2022.

Sanguin, who was living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) died by lethal injection in the sanctuary of the Church. According Jackson:
Sanguin visited with her family and friends during the ceremony hosted at the church. The lethal injection started at 1PM. An hour later, she was no longer present on earth. At 4PM, the funeral home arrived to take her body.
The MAiD death was referred to as a “simple Crossing Over Ceremony”

A CBC article in October 2021 reported that some funeral homes were permitting MAiD on their premises nonetheless, MAiD, which is done by lethal injection, is a form of homicide. In fact, Canada legalized MAiD (euthanasia) in 2016 by creating an exception in the criminal code to homicide. Therefore Churchill Park United Church permitted a homicide on its premises.


  1. I understand the suffering of SO many, many for whom the state of living is pure torture. However, it is still 'legal' homicide. Almighty God says it IS murder.

  2. I have a difficult time considering these people Christian! No matter how dire a persons health is, we are to pray for them and make them as comfortable as possible. They still contribute to the wholesome fabric of our society. Encouraging medically assisted suicide is an abomination of God intrinsic right to create life and to take it away. We must pray for those considering this course of action that they may change their minds and also for those condoning it!

    There is dignity in living regardless of your health, in the taking of your life!

  3. I'm so disgusted with the churches in these Last Days. Fail Fail Fail. Praise the Lord we don't need them to worship Him and can do it anywhere.

  4. They call themselves a church? This is horrible.

  5. This is murder, only God decides when we should live or die, not man. The church will be held accountable for this

  6. How could a church do such a thing?

  7. Sadly we are living in a world of relativism where the "truth"is adapted to suit and justify individual behaviours and not the REAL truth which from Jesus. God have mercy on us all

  8. In my personal experience, the church has little idea how to serve God and are drastically out of step in these Last Days. Fail! Fail! Fail! Praise the Lord we don't need them to worship Him and can do it anywhere.

    1. Hi Marian, I'm so sorry that your experience of church(es) has been so troublesome. It is clear that the sanctuary of that particular church has been desecrated. There are some very good and godly Churches in the world. But they will inevitably become fewer and fewer. I pray that you might find a group with whom you can associate and fellowship. Blessings and Grace to you.

  9. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭NIV‬

  10. I wonder if that church will next allow abortions to take place on their premises.
    The only difference between that and euthanasia is the age of the individual.

  11. Churches were the house of God, JESUS is our Hope. Euthanasia in any church is denying the Hope of Jesus.

  12. Wow. Just when I thought I couldn't be shocked any more. It is understandable why the secular world is so misled about the sanctity of every human life but for those purporting to be Christian in a building that professes the Christian faith and love of God, that He alone is the sole giver and taker of life, who is deciding what is the truth for them in this church? Clearly they are not taking direction from even the word of God, the bible. Then from where?
    "And said: Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord, so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord.22 In all these things Job sinned not by his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against God.…" Job 1:21-22
    How Jesus must be weeping.

  13. Human sacrifice to the ancient demons in a contemporary church sanctuary. Will Our Lord find Faith when He returns to Earth? The great apostasy is here big time. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us sinners. Rev. R. Bulbrook

  14. This represents a horrific corruption in people's sense of what 'love' and 'compassion' mean. I pray for any and all of us churchgoers - that we will respond with corporal works of mercy, should we be confronted with situations like this.

  15. Dear Father in heaven, your Honour is at stake here. Please stop this insanity in the name of Jesus, our Holy Saviour, amen.

    This is a shameful thing that has happened in this so-called "church". How many people will be lead astray by this mockery of the God of Life?

    The Sovereign God says, "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for He is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give them." Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

    And again, Jesus said, in His High Priestly Prayer to the Father, "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth having accomplished the work that you gave me to do." John 17:3-4.

    We are NOT Sovereign and in charge, God is!
    Father open the eyes of these people at this "church" to know that what they have done is wrong in your eyes. May you grant them forgiveness in the name of Jesus, amen.

  16. As a Born-again believer, God would have us to protect life from the moment of conception. God would have us to love and care for life until it passed naturally. For a Church to give credence to an act that fundamentally goes against Biblical Doctrinal positions, is sad. This Churches' actions speak, that they are more worldly than Godly. David P Bentley

  17. The proper thing to do as the church is to lay your hands on her and get a healing out of God for her. That satanic temple where this occurred basically is telling God and the congregation that he’s not big enough for our sickness’s. I rebuke every church in Jesus name that does not follow the doctrines and truths of scripture. How dare you!

  18. This is desecration pure and simple. It shows the depravity that invades the Church when Jesus is no longer present.

  19. Sad and shameful.

    Is this the church of the utopian green revolution, to massage God's Laws and his word as we see fit. This Church's leadership and congregant base is lost as far as I can see, revival of the Church is happening everywhere in and out of established Churches - not soon enough. What would our true King say.

  20. United with whom. Certainly not God. That only leaves one other choice.

  21. May God have mercy on the souls of all in the church that have allowed this abomination of a ceremony to take place in the house of the Lord. I was given life by the grace of God and I plan leave this life also by the grace of God.

  22. The devil is out of work these days because there are so many volunteers to help him.

  23. That is so sad that they are allowing homicide to take place in churches. Lord God, come quickly. I certainly do not believe in assisted suicide or what ever they are calling it.

  24. This has happened before ...In ancient Canaan it was called sacrifice to Molech and other idols of stone. Nothing has changed and it is still abomination. How dare we ask for God's help without repentance.
