Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Euthanasia's never ending expansion.

This article was published by OneNewsNow on Nov 6, 2019.

By Charlie Butts

Proponents of assisted-suicide continue to show that once the practice is legalized, the list of those who qualify never stops expanding.

Alex Schadenberg
Advocates of an assisted end initially claim the practice is meant for people who are suffering serious pain. The laws passed in the U.S. include the restriction that the patient must have the prognosis of six months or less to live.

Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition tells OneNewsNow a Belgium lawmaker is now suggesting that people who believe they have lived a completed life also ought to qualify – a move that Schadenberg says often victimizes the elderly.

"What these people need more than anything else is not death or lethal injection," he contends. "They need visitors. They need friends. They need a culture that respects them. They don't need lethal injection."
He adds that it also helps when people stay in close touch with their elderly family members to make sure they know they are loved and valued and to ensure that they receive counseling and/or medication when they need it.

"Completed life, though, undercuts the basic euthanasia argument," the Coalition executive director asserts. 

"Where they're trying to legalize euthanasia, they talk about suffering, suffering, suffering. And when you look at the consequences of a completed life, it is about suicide, and the state provides the death."
Canada is currently considering expanding its euthanasia candidates to include children and the mentally ill.

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