Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Where do the Canada's political party leaders stand on MAiD?

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

On September 11, a Québec Superior court struck down the provision in Canada's euthanasia (MAiD) law requiring that a person be terminally ill to be approved for death by lethal injection. The court decided that requiring that a person's "natural death must be reasonably foreseeable" was unconstitutional.

During the french language debate on TVA, between political party leaders Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Lib), Andrew Scheer (CPC), Jagmeet Singh (NDP) and Yves-François Blanchet (BQ), Trudeau stated that he would not appeal the Québec Truchon court decision that struck down the "terminal illness" requirement. Trudeau also said that he would craft a more permissive MAiD regime in the 6 months period ordered by the Court.

Other than Andrew Scheer, 
the other party leaders supported a more permissive euthanasia (MAiD) regime. Scheer said that he would appeal the decision and revise the MAiD regime. 

Maxime Bernier (PPC) and Elizabeth May did not participate in that debate.

Elizabeth May is on record as supporting MAiD while Bernier supports MAiD but he supports requiring a psychological evaluation before approval.

The recent euthanasia death of Alan Nichols, a physically healthy man who was living with chronic depression, has led one family to ask how could their brother have died by euthanasia? Clearly the law is not protecting depressed people with questionable mental competency.

The language of the Quebec court decision expands euthanasia to people with psychiatric issues alone

In March I published an article showing that, as of December 31, 2018, there had been 7949 assisted deaths in Canada, since legalization. There were 2704 reported assisted deaths in 2017 and 4235 reported assisted deaths in 2018.


  1. Watching last night's debate (October 10), I was disgusted with the position held by all candidates and their parties.
    None of the parties are prepared to protect people who are vulnerable to potential and proven abuse of these laws.
    At least the Conservative Party is prepared to do something, not much, but something.

    We are in serious trouble.

  2. I wonder if we are heading for armed conflicts to protect the most vulnerable? Or do vulnerable avoid any doctor/facility that promotes Euthanasia?

    The irony is that racists object to immigration. However, a province like Quebec may get to a situation where first language French speakers are in a minority.
    Quebec is killing its people from pre-cradle to the grave.

    Quebec is the poster province for bloody-minded people. Satan and other demons must be dancing with glee in its major cities.

  3. It is too bad that Andrew Scheer has taken the position that he will work to reverse decisions about euthanasia but not against abortion! He will work to save people who are nearing the ends of their lives but not those who have not even been given a chance to live their lives yet.

    1. Andrew Scheer is the leader of the CPC party. The party policy is that a CPC government will not reopen the debate. These policies are vote on at policy conventions. If you want it changed you must get involved at your local riding association and become a delegate to the next policy convention.

  4. Don't forget the Christian Heritage Party ( - 51 candidates across the country, all committed to defending life from conception to natural death.

  5. Abortion and Assisted suicide are murders. There is no other way to describe the taking of a life.
    Every person conceived is born for a reason. We may never know what our, or their, reason is for being put on this earth, but each one is created to have some effect on this world.
    If we allow governments to continue to legalize ways for us to kill unwanted or defenseless citizens, we will end up in a truly wanton, uncaring, society. It will not stop at this point in time. The sanctity and miracle of life are being downloaded to something to be disposed of at will.
    I believe that polititons are supporting it to get votes from a segment of society that finds this type of murder a convenience.

  6. A society that puts to death it's most vulnerable people...under whatever guise (babes in the womb, the sick and elderly, the depressed or mentally unstable etc) a society that demands that God be banned from the public square, that penalizes those who want to support a nation under God...that society is in decline and will inevitably reap what it sows.
    Nora Patterson

  7. I worked for 20 years with special needs high school students, I heard so many stories about their births from the mothers, doctors saying..will be nothing but a blob.then the child goes on to do talks at UBC about his specialized communication devices. Most of them were deemed never to be able to communicate, yet excelled in academics on the right devices. There is still a conscious brain in there and they fully understand. If a doctor had judged them at birth, would they have been euthanized. No matter how contorted their joints were, they were not in agony or pain and actually quite happy with the other teenagers. They were not in imminent danger of death. What would a doctor have declared on these living, growing, thriving crippled babies.

  8. Peter:
    Didn't Andrew Scheer say, though, that he would 'modify' the MAiD laws? I can't remember, but I think he did say that at the debate.

  9. I am sitting here speechless, verging on tears, reading yet another blog/article/press release on the realities of euthanasia's slippery slope in Canada, and the only mention of the Christian Heritage Party is Marc in the comments asking why there is no mention of the Christian Heritage Party. Wake up, People! We have a federal Canadian political party whose very existence was born out of the foreshadowed slippery slope of abortion and euthanasia. As watchmen, CHP members are very vocal on these issues, financially extremely supportive of prolife organisations, and faithfully praying for God to open the eyes of those blinded to the sanctity of human life. But when we look around after an election where our 'scary' conservative voice has once again been muzzled, where our brothers and sisters in Christ, trembling with the fear of man, have, in 51 ridings where their voices for LIFE could have been heard, held their noses and voted "strategically", against their God-given consciences; or stuck their noses in the air mouthing, "they don't stand a chance", took their blood-bought ballot and made sure of it; we see a sleeping, compromised, silent, and fearful church that may have just signed away its own place of influence. Everyone who rejected that opportunity to make a statement to their fellow Canadians did, indeed, WASTE their vote. How is that any different than the fear-filled man in the parable Jesus told of the talents of silver? (Matt 25) Should Gideon have run for cover because the "odds" didn't look too good? (Judges 7) Should Daniel have just gone along with the law made to trap him? (Read All of Daniel 5&6) Am I really being unfair here? For Heaven’s sake, read your Bible! Have you no faith in your God? A friend just said to me, “what would these strategically-minded Christians do if Jesus were standing beside them in the voting booth when they mark their ballot?” Well some fine people across this land – almost 20,000, actually – did exercise their electoral responsibility in a bold and fearless manner, telling a corrupt government that, no, killing babies or handicapped people or the elderly or the depressed or the inconvenient or disagreeable is unacceptable, and we will continue to fight for every vulnerable soul, with all we have in us. The rest of you can choose to wake up, if it isn’t too late, or sit in silence and fear and shame like the German church, until your own day of reckoning. If you’re disappointed you had no prolife candidate for whom to vote, you or a friend could be that person, next election, which could be sooner than later. Stand with a party that’s fully committed to LIFE, FAMILY and FREEDOM, one that will back up YOUR voice for LIFE. He calls us to be faithful. He’ll take care of the results.
