Monday, October 7, 2019

Fatal Flaws film received awards. Purchase today.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director 
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

We are pleased to announce two more International film festival awards for the Fatal Flaws film - "Outstanding Social Issue Doc: Docs Without Borders Film Festival 2019" and "Official Selection: Great Lakes International Film Festival 2019."

The Fatal Flaws film has won awards at the Life Fest Film Festival, the Reel to Reel Film Festival, the International Christian Film Festival, the Great Lakes International Film Festival and the Docs Without Borders Film Festival.

Fatal Flaws continues to be screened and it continues to change the way people view assisted death.

Fatal Flaws features personal stories from people who oppose assisted suicide and interviews with euthanasia proponents in the Netherlands and the United States.

Fatal Flaws was screened in Guernsey (UK) while their legislature was debating an assisted suicide bill. One of the sponsors of the bill attended the Fatal Flaws screening. The next day he stated in the legislature that he changed his mind after watching Fatal Flaws. The Guernsey assisted suicide bill was defeated by a 24 to 14 vote.

The Fatal Flaws pamphlet is based on the main stories in the film. The pamphlet is excellent for distribution at a screening. (Inside of the pamphlet) (outside of the pamphlet).

Purchase the DVD or pamphlets (includes taxes and shipping): All orders can be made online (Link).

  • DVD: $15 each + tax.
  • Pamphlets: $25 for 100 + tax.
Further Discounts: All orders can be made online (Link).
  • With any Fatal Flaws order, order The Euthanasia Deception  documentary for $20.
Further bulk orders are available upon request.

Order the Fatal Flaws DVD with pamphlets online, or email: or call EPC toll free at: 1-877-439-3348 or mail your cheque to:
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - Box 25033 London, Ontario N6C 6A8
The Fatal Flaws Film will change the way the culture views assisted death.


  1. I bought this months ago and it's never arrived at my home. Who can help me?

  2. I am sorry for the error. Please email me at and I will make sure you receive it.
