Thursday, May 23, 2019

Petition supporting Bill C-418 to protect conscience rights for medical professionals.

Link to sign the English language petition. 
Link to sign the French language petition.

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • The fundamental freedoms of conscience and religion are guaranteed to all Canadians in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
  • Bill C-14 (Medical Assistance in Dying) prohibits the compelling of health care providers or institutions to provide medical assistance in dying, to refer or transfer a patient to another health care provider, or to take other actions which could impact on health care providers’ freedom of conscience or religion;
  • Bill C-14 lacks clarity for effective enforcement;
  • Bill C-418 aims to protect the fundamental freedom of conscience guaranteed to all Canadians; and
  • Bill C-418 makes it an offence to intimidate a health care professional for the purpose of compelling them to take part, directly or indirectly, in the provision of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Bill C-418 also makes it an offence to dismiss from employment or to refuse to employ a health care professional for the reason only that they refuse to take part, directly or indirectly, in the provision of medical assistance in dying.

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to ensure that the conscience rights of medical personnel are protected, by passing Bill C-418.

Link to sign the English language petition.


  1. Shirley SchuurmanMay 24, 2019 at 9:10 PM

    Having been a Registered Nurse in Long Term Care in my working years, I would have been devastated not to be prevevted from acting according to my conscience.


  2. Did you mean that "I would have been devastated if I was prevented from acting according to my conscience." ?

    Thanks, Lynn Jansma

  3. Conscience rights need protection. However, in practice I don't think it will be enforced. In some health sectors, professional ethics in social work and psychology for example, are not recognized within their agencies. Agency or hospital policies are enforced and they replace professional ethical considerations. As a social worker I have seen this over many years. People don't realize how sketchy the MAID legislation is, or how dangerous. It's not about dignity and choice at all, it's about efficiency and authority.
