Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Great News: Connecticut rejects assisted suicide again.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

It is great news that Connecticut once again defeated the assisted suicide bill.

Cathy Ludlum, Second Thoughts
There are many people who have worked for many years to continue defeating assisted suicide in Connecticut. A special "shout out" goes to the efforts of the Second Thoughts Connecticut disability rights group.

*Cathy Ludlum: We will be the collateral damage of assisted suicide.
It is unlikely that assisted suicide bill has a chance at passing in the legislative session next year. State Rep. Jonathan Steinberg, a co-chair of the Public Health committee told Jenna Carlesso from the CTMirror:
“strongly held” religious beliefs among lawmakers, coupled with concerns from people with disabilities, prevented the bill from advancing to the House floor.

The bill’s chances of success next year also are low, Steinberg said, since several members are holding firm in their opposition.

“Modifying the bill in and of itself would not necessarily change any votes. So I think we would probably be looking to a new legislature,” he said.
Elaine Kolb with Second Thoughts
Nicole Leonard, reporting for WNRP, interviewed Elaine Kolb from the disability rights group Second Thoughts.

Elaine Kolb, of West Haven, testified last month against the bill as an activist for disability rights and a member of Second Thoughts Connecticut, a grassroots organization that views aid-in-dying as assisted suicide.

She spoke on how the legislation could pose a danger to people with disabilities. Specifically, Kolb said patients and medical professionals may be quick to refer to aid-in-dying without acknowledging what someone with a disability is still capable of doing.
Leonard reported that Kolb intends to remain involved with Second Thoughts and opposing assisted suicide for the rest of her life.

Thank you to everyone who continue to commit to opposing assisted suicide. Unlike the assisted suicide lobby, our leaders are volunteers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks also to Leslie and Peter Wolfgang and their faithful leadership!
