Thursday, February 28, 2019

We mourn the loss of Dr LL (Barrie) deVeber

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Barrie & Iola deVeber in 2012.
It is with profound sadness that the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition announces the death of their founding President, Dr. L.L. “Barrie” deVeber.

Barrie was born on January 27, 1929 and died on February 28, 2019. 
Dr Barrie deVeber obituary.
Barrie was married to Iola (2015) and they had six children.

Barrie with myself
Barrie was a paediatric oncologist and a pioneer in paediatric palliative care. His caring and innovative work with children with cancer, pregnant women with the Rh factor, and hemophilia patients, affected the lives of many. His medical career took him around the globe, from Canada to England to the USA, to Saudi Arabia to Africa. Barrie was Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario (Paediatrics /Oncology). 

Barrie was the founding President of the deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research, and founding President of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. 

He was a also founding member of various organizations, including Camp Trillium, The Sunshine Club, London and Area Right to Life, and the Montessori School of London, to name a few. A vocal advocate of pro-life, Barrie made countless presentations to government and local communities, educating them on the innate humanity and dignity of the unborn, and the importance of respecting human life, from conception to natural death.

Barrie lived life to the fullest. His Irish charm made him a friend of many. He was a dear friend. He will be missed.

The book - Barrie: The Memoirs of Dr. L.L. deVeber was published in 2015.

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