Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Shedding Light on Assisted Suicide in America

The new Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) pamphlet - Shedding Light on Assisted Suicide in America (Shedding Light) counters the myths that assisted suicide laws are safe. Shedding Light explains how the assisted suicide laws in Oregon and Washington state work and why they provide no effective oversight.

Order Shedding Light for $35 for 100 copies, $90 for 300 copies or $150 for 600 copies (plus shipping and taxes) by contacting the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) at: info@epcc.ca or by calling 1-877-439-3348.

Featured stories in the pamphlet:
Dr Charles Bentz, a doctor in Oregon, describes how his depressed patient died by assisted suicide. From personal experience, Bentz proves that the depressed people are dying by assisted suicide in Oregon. 
Kathryn Judson, an Oregon resident, wrote that she was afraid to leave her husband alone with doctors and nurses after a doctor gave her husband a "sales pitch" for assisted suicide. Judson's story undermines the myth that assisted suicide requests are based on a person's "free choice." 
Dr Ken Stevens with Jeanette Hall
Jeanette Hall, an Oregon resident, in 2000 was diagnosed as terminally ill and she wanted to die by assisted suicide. Hall is thankful to Dr. Kenneth Stevens because he encouraged her not to give up. Jeanette is happy to be alive. Assisted suicide steers people with years to live to suicide.
Attractively designed and easy to read, Shedding Light explains how the assisted suicide laws work, how these laws are abused and why assisted suicide is wrong.

The fears that lead someone to consider assisted suicide are real and legitimate. We believe that a caring society offers real answers to these concerns. A caring society assures that each individual is properly cared for, not abandoned in their time of need.

We support a society that cares for its citizens, not kills them.

Order Shedding Light for $35 for 100 copies, $90 for 300 copies or $150 for 600 copies (plus shipping and taxes) by contacting the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) at: info@epcc.ca or by calling 1-877-439-3348.

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