Monday, January 16, 2017

Fighting assisted suicide in your state.

2017 will be an active year for those who protect people from assisted suicide.

EPC - USA has organized an Assisted Suicide Training Session to provide you with the tools to fight assisted suicide in your state.

The assisted suicide lobby has identified at least 26 states where they plan to introduce bills or launch a court case to legalize assisted suicide in America.

The states include: Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Utah. 

There will also be a federal debate as to whether the District of Columbia assisted suicide law will be overturned.

The event begins at 6 pm until 9 pm and is followed by the screening of the Euthanasia Deception documentary.

We have limited seating. To book your seat at this event. (Link).


  1. Hi,
    Is there any way to purchase a dvd of this? Or to view it online?
    Thanks. I live in Michigan.

  2. Order the Euthanasia Deception DVD by emailing the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition at:

    The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition will ship it so you with an invoice for $30.

  3. OK great. Thanks Alex.
    I have worked in several facilities and it scares me what is going on especially with older people. My own Dad was involuntarily euthanized by hospice.
