Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Belgium warns: Medical Assistance in Dying - Don't Go There!


Testimonies from the upcoming film The Euthanasia Deception

As Canadians debate the controversial Bill C-14 in light of the June 6 Supreme Court imposed legislation deadline, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is releasing four short videos entitled: “Belgium’s Advice to Canada” from selected clips from our upcoming documentary film, The Euthanasia Deception.

In January 2016, a film crew went to Belgium, where euthanasia has been legal since 2002. Victims and advocates offer a stern warning to Canada- and any country considering enacting laws that allow assisted death. 

Vulnerable – The Euthanasia Deception is produced by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition  (EPC) in association with DunnMedia & Entertainment.

Upcoming Videos:
April 28: “Safeguards are an Illusion” - Belgium’s Advice to Canada
May 3: “Protect Doctor’s Conscience Rights” - Belgium’s Advice to Canada
May 5: “Oversight is an Illusion” - Belgium’s Advice to Canada

EPC needs your financial donations to complete this most important documentary film. Donate here.


Link to the promo video: The Euthanasia Deception.
Link to the short video: Mark Pickup - The problem with assisted suicide.


  1. Excellent tool, thank you. Hopefully thousands of people will see these videos.

  2. I should suffer with unbearable pain so others won't be sad. Won't they be sad when I wither and die eventually anyway? My father chose to not suffer, and not have me suffer along with him in his pain and torment. I still love and miss him, but I respect his decision.

  3. There were other ways to keep your father from suffering. He didn't need to die by lethal dose.

  4. True, they could have pumped him full of morphine and kept him in a drugged out state as a shadow of himself. That wasn't his choice.
