Monday, May 19, 2014

Stephen Sutton lived everyday with dignity.

By Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Stephen Sutton, who, at the age of 19, died of cancer on Tuesday, May 14 in Burntwood Staffordshire UK. 

Stephen was an inspiring example of a person who lived every day of his life with dignity.

When he was 15, he learned that he had terminal cancer. Sutton decided to live every day, so he drew up a bucket list consisting of 46 things he wanted to do before he died.

One of his goals was to write a book, which he accomplished in 2013. Another of his bucket list goals was to raise £10,000 for a Teenage Cancer Trust. Sutton raised nearly £4 million.

The UK Daily Mail reported his death in this way:
During his brief life, Stephen Sutton achieved something very beautiful. Not in the amount of money he raised for the Teenage Cancer Trust (although the £4 million plus is the largest donation they’ve received), but in reminding all of us of the meaning of life, and of the importance of celebrating each waking hour. 
His sheer determination, and his courage in enduring painful treatment for cancer, were inspiring beyond words. 
When Rebecca Hardy in this newspaper asked him how he put up with the pain, he replied: ‘At the end of the day, it’s going to give you so much extra life — and the extra life is definitely worth it. Life is brilliant.’
The Daily Mail concluded the article by stating:
It is humbling to witness, and a salutary reminder that each life is important, no matter how different or troubled it appears to be. 
It makes it all the more shocking to see people actively wanting to bring an end to their lives when you see others fighting to survive, fighting to live another day, because they recognise that our life on Earth is precious beyond measure; that it is a gift beyond price.
... Life is to be lived, in whatever guise it is offered to us, because, as the remarkable young man who was taken from us this week said: ‘Life is brilliant.’
British Prime Minister, David Cameron said Stephen Sutton:
was "really inspiring" and had a "zest for life"
Legalizing euthanasia is a rejection of the common good. It is a social experiment that puts many others at risk. Stephen Sutton was concerned with others and had a zest for life until his death.

Stephen Sutton's mother posted the following facebook message announcing his death:
My heart is bursting with pride but breaking with pain for my courageous, selfless, inspirational son who passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 14th May. The ongoing support and outpouring of love for Stephen will help greatly at this difficult time, in the same way as it helped Stephen throughout his journey. We all know he will never be forgotten, his spirit will live on, in all that he achieved and shared with so many. 
His mom x
Today it was announced that a film tribute to the life of Stephen Sutton will be released. 

Thank you Stephen for showing people how to live

- Teague Johnson's Life was Astounding.

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