Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Veternarian euthanasia drug used on people

Believe it or not, the right to die activists have been promoting a drug used by veternarians to euthanise animals as the drug of choice for euthanasia of people.

Many people do not believe that this could be true. Read on:

Pentobarbital, a barbituate commonly known as Nembutal, is a drug that is used by veternarians to euthanize animals and is now being bought in Tijuana Mexico as the drug of choice to euthanise people.

Philip Nitschke, Australia's Dr. Death, has been promoting death tourism via Tijuana Mexico, where euthanasia activists have been able to obtain Pentobarbital from pet shops.

Nitschke's book "The Peaceful Pill Handbook" explains how to obtain and kill yourself using pentobarbital. The cost for a dose of Pentobarbital is as little as $30.

The recent article in the New York Times states that:
'Pet shop clerks throughout Tijuana acknowledge that foreigners regularly inquire about the drug. "We've probably had 100 people come in asking for the drug in the last couple of years," said Pepe Velazquez, a veternarian and pet shop owner.

Nitschke estimates that 300 Exit International members, world-wide, have gone to Mexico to buy Pentobarbital in the past few years.

The New York Times article states:
"But now that word is out that the drug is being used for human consumption, local authorities are seeking to clamp down on unauthorized purchases. Shops are now supposed to sell the drug only to licensed veternarians who present a prescription."

In January, Australian Don Flanders went to Tijuana to get Pentobarbital. He said: "I went to the first shop that was advertised as being a vet, and I showed the photo and they handed it over. ... Getting it home was more of a challenge."

Australian, Caren Jenning, was convicted in June of accessory to manslaughter because she acquired Pentobarbital from Tijuana for her friend Graeme Wylie who had advanced Alzheimer's disease.

The article stated that: "All the publicity over the unauthorized use of pentobarbital has made it somewhat harder to find alond Mexico's northern border." ... "At the seventh shop, however ... the clerk said the drug was in stock. ... The package bore photos of a dog and a cat and said in bold letters that it could be sold only with a prescription."

"Asked if she would sell it, the clerk gave a confused look. "Of course," she said, ringing up a bottle for $45.00


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