Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Assisted Suicide polls will fluctuate based on how the questions are asked.

Dying with Dignity released a poll today that is written in a manner that causes in confusion, leading to a higher support for assisted suicide. 

Recent polls indicate that support for assisted suicide fluctuates based on how the question is asked.

For instance an article written by Lise Ravery in Quebec, Ravery stated that:
… A 2013 Ipsos Marketing poll showed that merely one-third of Quebecers know what “dying with dignity” really entails. Another third thinks it means palliative care and rest believes that it refers to assisted suicide or cessation of treatments.
Link to the Québec poll information.

The same result recently occurred in the UK. A poll that was done during the assisted suicide bill debate found that when more information about the bill was provided support for assisted suicide dropped.

A similar finding was observed in the US.

Our polling shows that most Canadians fear dying a bad death, that only a few people strongly support euthanasia and assisted suicide, and when asked, Canadians believe that the government needs to place a greater priority on improving end-of-life care rather than legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Links to more information:


  1. I participated in Harris polls until they sent me a multiple choice question on the legalization of euthanasia which did not allow the choice "never", thus forcing one to choose some type of legalization. I didn't answer the question, and when I tried to lodge a protest, I found there was no way to contact Harris.

  2. Mr. Schadenberg, Thanks for keeping current on this culture battle. The question about "unbearable suffering" reminds me of "Have you stopped beating your kids yet?" It's based on an arbitrary premise. How about some creativity from the life with dignity side. Maybe ask whether or not to legalise sending one's aging parents off on an iceberg. Provided they agree, of course.

  3. Polls regarding the efficacy of euthanasia,are never legitimate. The polls conducted by Harris, Ipsos, and others of the same ilk, have a designated purpose, to meet the "demands" of those who hired them in the first place. Only a poll conducted by an independent organization, such as Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, can have legitimacy. Thanks Alex, for keep the spotlight on this morally dehumanizing approach to life.
    Laird Rivers.
