Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dutch doctors group approves euthanasia for incompetent people.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

As the slippery slope in the Netherlands euthanasia experiment is greased, other nations may follow.

The reported that the latest Netherlands euthanasia development is the change by the Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) allowing doctors to euthanize patients with advanced dementia who made an advanced request while competent but who cannot consent to their death.

According to the
The change in position follows a ruling by the Supreme Court in April 2020, in which judges said a doctor who ended the life of a patient with severe dementia had not committed a criminal offence. The patient was no longer in a position to confirm her written euthanasia request.
The Netherlands Supreme Court decision referred to in the article concerned a woman with dementia who had resisted dying by euthanasia, so the doctor first put a sedative in her coffee, but then the woman continued to resist so the doctor had the family hold her down as the woman was lethally injected.

Canada is considering similar changes to its euthanasia. Sadly, the KNMG acceptance of euthanaisa for incompetent people will make it easier for Canada to accept the same protocols.

Euthanasia is sold to the culture based on full consent and the freedom of choice. These protocols clearly undermine the requirement of consent.


  1. Hitler is not dead yet. We see all that he did by the way of experimentation on human beings and eliminating those that did not suit his purpose is now gaining the approval of other purists who forget their lowly origins.

  2. Everything must be done to surround those who are "incompetent" with time, help and loads of love. Time is often missing from the good will of their relatives, children mostly, who are lured into jobs which will eat up their time and leave them with a very short lived enjoyment of their lifestyle. We must somehow slow down though it may be expensive for us to do so and pay attention to lonely and vulnerable people which is time consuming so that when our turn comes we will not be signing up for euthanasia. Nobody who has tasted unconditional love wants to lose it. The movement begins with us. Let us be pro- life and interactive with all.

  3. Under the present government, Canada seems to have lost the last vestiges of respect for life, liberty and even death.

    Nearly two years of tyrannical COVID-19 mandates have caused citizens of Canada immense trauma and harm in all aspects of life.
    To mention some and not all, people have been fired without financial compensation, businesses and people have lost incomes and livelihoods, families were denied being at the bedside of dying loved ones and prevented from being able to hold burial or memorial services.

    Who will be the gods who will decide who the incompetent people are, and what will their criteria be?
    Euthanasia laws are continually being relaxed and deliberate death contemplated for more and more sectors and ages within society, with the cooperation of large sections of the medical community who no longer adhere to the Hippocratic Oath. This is not only to save money for the Canadian Department of Health, so that there is more money to waste elsewhere, but also to have access to freshly harvested body parts for organ transplanting.

    All this is proof enough of how government deliberately harms citizens instead of keeping them safe, the latter being God’s intended mandate for the institution of government that He has put in place.
