Thursday, May 3, 2018

Scotland may debate assisted suicide - again.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Dr Gordon Macdonald
Care Not Killing Alliance
Scotland has had debated, in the past for years, bills to legalize euthanasia and all of them were defeated. The Scotsman is reporting that the Liberal Health spokesman, Alex Cole-Hamilton, is urging the Scottish parliament to establish another parliamentary inquiry into the issue. Cole-Hamilton believes that the new members of the Scottish parliament will vote differently on the issue.

The Scotsman reported that Bill Scott, of Inclusion Scotland, the national disabled people’s organisation, told MSPs:
“I would much rather this parliament talk about how we uphold the right to life.”
The last assisted suicide bill was defeated in May 2015 by a vote of 82 to 36.

The week before the vote the Care Not Killing Alliance - Scotland presented a petition of 15,300 people who oppose the assisted suicide bill.