Thursday, October 15, 2015

Physicians Pledge Against Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia

My Pledge To My Patients

I will treat the sick according to my best ability and judgement, always striving to do no harm. Whenever I care for a terminally-ill patient, I will provide optimal comfort care until natural death.

I will also support my patients' wishes not to prolong the dying process with futile care. I will never give a deadly drug to anyone if asked, nor will I suggest suicide.

I will always affirm and guard these ethical principles with integrity, recognizing that every human life is inherently valuable.

My Pledge To My Patients from the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition will be sent out, at no cost, to any physician who agrees with its principles. Email EPC at:


  1. I wanted to say, "I don't mean to be critical," but actually I do. Why feature a brooding young man? Shouldn't the main image be of a doctor? Sorry. I just think it would be better. You don't have to post my comment. For your consideration...

  2. Dear Michele:

    It may not be perfect, but the image is supposed to be of a brooding young doctor.

  3. Yep, doctors brood too. I am going to share this. I'd sure pick a doc who displayed this pledge on his website and in his office.

  4. I have posted these posters in my clinic, and have had several patients remark on them (positively). Thanks for making them available!

  5. I second Michele's comment. A picture of a doctor or of a male and female doctor would be much more appropriate. (For example: ) Another option would be to provide different pictures, so the interested doctor can pick which one he or she likes.

  6. A few people now seem to have had the impression it is a picture of any old young man, rather than a doctor. Perhaps having him wear a white lab coat or a stethiscope would be better? Just one idea, for what it is worth.
