Saturday, October 31, 2015

Barrie: The Memoirs of Dr. L.L. deVeber

Dr L.L. (Barrie) deVeber, the founding President of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC). 

The newly published book - Barrie: The Memoirs of Dr. L.L. deVeber, is the story of the life of a man who was a pediatric oncologist, a hematologist, a researcher, an innovator, a leader, and a founder of many organizations.

Dr deVeber is historically known for his work in the development of the serum for treating Rh factor in pregnancies. Countless children survived thanks to this research by Dr. deVeber. 

Dr deVeber developed the first pediatric palliative care guidelines, that were developed while he was treating children who were dying from cancer in London Ontario. 

He authored and co-authored many research papers that remain important today.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is selling the book: Barrie for $25  (includes postage). Bulk prices and orders are available upon request.

Books can be ordered by calling the EPC office at: 1-877-439-3348 or email: or by purchasing by paypal (link). (please state Barrie in paypal purchase)

The editor states in the Forward of Barrie: The Memoirs of Dr. L.L. deVeber:
Dr. L.L. deVeber M.D., F.R.C.P. (C)
• Professor Emeritas Pediatrics and Oncology, University of Western Ontario
• Former Director Pediatric Oncology Children's Hospital of Western Ontario 
Dr. L.L. "Barrie" deVeber is internationally recognized as a pioneer in pediatric palliative care. 
His innovative work with children with cancer, pregnant woman and the Rh factor, and hemophilia patients, has affected the lives of many. His medical career has taken him around the globe, from Canada to England to the USA, to Saudi Arabia to Africa. 
Dr. deVeber is a founding member of various organizations including Camp Trillium, the Sunshine Foundation, the Montessori School of London ON, the Ronald McDonald House in London ON and the London and Area Right to Life. He is the founding President of the deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Barrie & Iola deVeber (2012)
Dr. deVeber spent a career challenging the status quo. He has made countless presentations to government and local communities on the importance of respecting all human life. 
Dr. deVeber is a man who has truly lived: his caring and compassion has touched the lives of thousands of people and his Irish charm has made him a friend of many. 
His story is worth reading.      S.M.S
The book is dedicated to Iola his wife of 61 years who passed away on June 19, 2015.